Queretanos in Action

Sergio Salmon

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After 16 years of remaining one of the favorites of Queretans, Sergio Salmón knows how to renew the interest of his guests in his iconic restaurant

For many Queretans, El Caserío is a must-see restaurant in the city's gastronomic scene. Many of his guests insist on Sergio Salmón, founder of the restaurant and who after 16 years is still the main host, that they already know the menu perfectly and prefer to stay tied to the most classic dishes, which by the way have no waste.

"It is not true!" Sergio answers them, at the time of suggesting new experiences in a menu in constant evolution, which throughout its history has had almost 300 dishes that come and go according to the season or the restaurant's interest in offering its guests new ways to relate to your concept. Constancy and Evolution.

"The interest in always seeking customer satisfaction, here we recognize that those who allow us to continue living and offering are the customers and friends who wish to do so and that is why they give us the opportunity to continue improving, to continue offering options", reflects Sergio, on the reason why El Caserío continues to be a reference and increasingly strengthens its bond with its guests.

Constancy, such as the daily effort to maintain the standards that make guests fall in love, and evolution, such as the search for transcendence through constant change, are the secrets that have made El Caserío one of the flagship restaurants in Querétaro. and Sergio Salmón one of the definitive restaurateurs in our culinary scene.



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